Kindergarten Homeschool Ideas for April

Here are some ideas for homeschooling your kindergarten child in April! These activities are based on Waldorf and Charlotte Mason education models, so there is no formal schooling yet, such as language arts or math lessons. Instead, the activities reflect the seasonal rhythm of the year to give children a sense of time, place, and connection.

At this point in the year, I’m ready for summer, a season April doesn’t quite fulfill. Some years we get two feet of snow in one day, but other years there is a noticeable increase in temperature. The timing of the flowers blooming can also vary. When I moved from Florida to Ohio at the end of April several years ago, the redbuds and dogwoods were weeks from blooming, however, this year they bloomed very early.

The watercolors I chose for this month reflect the Easter season and what we see in the natural world around our home.

Theme and Festivals

Our theme for this month is flowers. Besides the white dogwood and purplish-pink redbud flowers, we might see tulips, daffodils, and native Ohio wildflowers in the woodlands and the bog.

Our celebrations this month are Easter and my brother’s birthday. We go to the Good Friday service at our church, the Easter breakfast, and the Easter service. It’s always a beautiful, joyful morning.

Here is our April schedule. We follow a four-day schedule because of our Thursday co-op. I can’t share some of the handwork and beeswax modeling we have planned because they come from other curriculums, but I’ll let you know where you can find them. I’ve also created my own handwork resource.

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April Homeschool for Kindergarten

Theme: Spring, rainbows

Festivals: First day of Spring, birthdays

Daily homeschool schedule

During breakfast: Bible study; read a poem.

Lavender’s Blue circle time (movements with seasonal songs and verses).

Main activity

During lunch: Folk song, picture, composition, or hymn from Ambleside’s schedule. Then I read aloud. We’re currently working through the free reads on Ambleside’s Year 0 schedule.

Monday afternoon: Nature study

Main activities

Week 1

Tuesday: Watercolor with purple

Wednesday: Model a flower that’s blooming with beeswax; finger knitting

Friday: Fingerprint flower art

Week 2

Monday: Bake lavender tea bread

Tuesday: Watercolor with purple and green

Wednesday: Model lavender flowers with beeswax; finger knitting

Friday: Handwork from Lavender’s Blue

Week 3

Monday: Bake focaccia with vegetable flowers

Tuesday: Watercolor with red, orange, yellow, and green

Wednesday: Model a flower that’s blooming with beeswax; finger knitting

Friday: Paint with flowers

Week 4

Monday: Bake hot cross buns

Tuesday: Watercolor with red, purple, yellow, and green

Wednesday: Model a lily with beeswax; finger knitting

Friday: Flower pounding

Week 5

Monday: Bake rosebud tea cakes

Tuesday: Watercolor with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple

Wednesday: Model a rose with beeswax; finger knitting